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Tennessee Advance Directive Form

Below is the information you'll need in order to obtain an Advance Directive in Tennessee, which is comprised of two separate documents.

Overview: In Tennessee an Advance Directive is called an "Advance Directive For Health Care" and is comprised of naming a "Healthcare Agent" (a.k.a. Health Care Proxy) and filling out a Living Will where you "indicate your wishes for quality of life."

Required Information: Your signature must be either have two (2) witnesses sign your TN Living Will OR it must be Notarized for it to be considered valid. Witnesses CAN NOT be the person appointed as your agent or alternate, AND at least one of the witnesses must be someone who is NOT related to you or entitled to any part of your estate.

Download the Tennessee Advance Directive For Health Care
(Via Tennessee State Government)

Remember to add your completed form to your Everplan!

See our complete list of resources for Tennessee.

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