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Our Third Annual Yankee Swap Had Thrills, Chills, And Everyone Fighting Over The Same Cookbook

We recently held our third annual Yankee Swap, the rules for which are still a bit unclear — but here’s the gist: People buy gifts. People choose gifts. People steal gifts.

Given this decidedly mischievous framework, keeping up with each gift’s trajectory was a bit overwhelming (we considered a diagram but thought better of it).

Thankfully we were able to determine who got what by swap's end.

Note: As a result of major gift-swappage, the person pictured holding the gift isn’t necessarily the ultimate recipient.

Warren net two gifts courtesy of Scott: A framed painting of superheroes and a Borat "sexytime!" shirt.

Scott got lucky when he won the most coveted gift of this year’s swap: a Chromecast purchased by Bernie.

Bernie scored an R2D2 showerhead courtesy of Adam. Rub-a-dub-dub-beep-boop-beep.

Adam received a soccer ball from Yaniv which he'll probably kick to his daughters.

Yaniv snagged a coffee sampler from Jennifer and wondered, "Is this a drinking meeting?"

Gene swapped around and went home with his own knife holder from Flying Tiger, a shop specializing in trinkets and tchotchkes (you know, stuff Yankee Swappers like).

knife holder

Stan scored a bluetooth shower speaker from Warren. Rumor has it he’s using it to croon under a waterfall in Hawaii.

Dania walked away with Bart’s AeroPress. Now if only she knew how to use it.

Sarah walked away with Matt’s AeroPress — and she definitely knows how to use it.

Bart ultimately won Thug Kitchen, which was the most swapped gift of the day (Abby’s gifts are usually worth fighting for).

Maneesh was not unpleased with the wooden puzzle set he got from Dania.

Justin got a Thanksgiving Turkey Hat that made everyone giggle — especially Stan (an iTunes gift card rounded this one out nicely).

Abby landed an LED flashlight from Sarah, which she’ll most likely use to admire the details of our exquisite conference room tables.

Peter promised to wear the Star Wars socks he got from Justin (but he wouldn’t promise they’d be readily visible).

Jennifer’s keeping an open mind about Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance, purchased by Maneesh.

Matt picked Peter’s Avengers: Age of Ultron Lego Set, another popular option at this year’s swap.

Once all our gifts were claimed, Adam and Abby dropped the best present of all into each of our hands:

(We'd tell you what's inside, but we like being mysterious).

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