Media Mentions: In Case You Get Hit By A Bus
What the media is writing and saying about In Case You Get Hit By A Bus

Good Day New York (Fox 5)
Rosanna Scotto and Lori Stokes interviewed co-author Abby Schneiderman live on Fox 5 Good Day New York program (April 8, 2021) [Wistia Video Link]

Featured an interview with co-author Abby Schneiderman for the aticle "Here’s how to help yourself and your family ‘in case you get hit by a bus’" (December, 2020) [Link to full article]
In Case You Get Hit by a Bus was included in their winter non-fiction round-up calling it a “practical new book” and noting “The authors have thought of everything — including suggesting readers “remove skeletons from your closet” (embarrassing personal items, for instance) and gather your signature recipes so they can be easily passed on to people you love.” (December, 2020) [Link to full article]
Next Avenue Magazine
Featured an adapted excerpt from the book on digital estate planning. (January, 2021) [Link to full article]
Featured an adapted excerpt from the book on the importance of saving family recipes. (January, 2021) [Link to full article]
Publisher’s Weekly
In Case You Get Hit by a Bus was included in their Business & Personal Finance Books 2020–2021 Adult Announcement list. (November, 2020) [Link to full article]