July 2017 Product Wrap-Up: New Payment Page, Dashboard Improvements, And More
The Everplans team regularly pushes out new product features, improvements and bug fixes.

At the end of each month, we highlight improvements we’ve made and bugs we’ve fixed. Take a look at the changes we made in July 2017.
Updates and Enhancements
- Added a new dashboard module that shows what steps you still need to take to finish setting up your account. If you haven’t done so already, we’ll remind you to activate two-factor authentication, add a backup email address, and add your first Deputy.
- Added a spiffy new payment page. It’s easier now to fill out credit card details, and we’ve simplified the language describing how the billing process works.
- Improved the user experience for people who were unable to use the site because their email addresses were unconfirmed. You can now more easily complete this part of the account setup process… and then enjoy Everplans!
- Improved the user experience for people who encountered technical errors while using Everplans. We now provide an error code and some helpful tips for how to resolve the issue.
- Deputies will be notified once at the end of each week about any relevant updates a user makes to their Everplan (instead of after each update).
- If an Everplans user is reported to us as deceased, we now ensure that the user will not be billed again, will not receive any unnecessary emails, and that Deputies will be able to have access to their Everplan for one year.
- We also improved the photo uploader on Funeral Update so that you no longer need to have Adobe’s Flash® plugin installed.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed: There was a formatting issue in the signup process where the “Resend confirmation email” link was poorly positioned on mobile devices.
- Fixed: Error messages were not displaying correctly when uploading invalid file types in the Just-In-Case Letter. Now you’ll know if the file type is no good.
- Fixed: Some recipients of Just-In-Case Letters were getting an invalid link after downloading a letter.
- Fixed: In some cases, birthdates were not being validated properly in Account Settings and ZIP codes were being unexpectedly removed from user profiles. This no longer happens.
- Fixed: Another birthdate bug—some Deputies were incorrectly assigned a birthdate of Jan 1, 1901.
- Fixed: Some Android users did not have the correct Everplans icon for their homescreen.
- Fixed: When entering phone numbers, small icons for each country’s international code were in some cases not appearing.
Everplans Professional
- We’ve made some changes to our automated emails about client activity. We’ve streamlined what we send out so that we’re not cluttering your mailbox as much, and the emails that you receive will have clearer subject lines.
- Our integration with Orion Advisor has been enhanced. You can now import a wider range of account types from Orion into Everplans when setting up client accounts.
- If one of your clients has been reported to Everplans as deceased, we’ll now show a marker on that client’s page in your portal.
- For data integrity purposes, we also disable editing of a deceased client’s Everplan.
- We’ve made a minor update to our privacy notice and terms of service regarding the above two bullets.
- Fixed: There was a formatting issue on the client list page when zero client seats were remaining.
- Fixed: Some updates to client invitation messages were not saving correctly.
- Fixed: There was an issue for some users who were trying to upgrade to an Advisor-sponsored Everplan from an account where they were only a Deputy to another user.
Thank You
As always, a big thank you to all the Everplanners, Deputies, and Advisors out there who reported bugs and asked for enhancements. We always appreciate hearing from you.
Report issues and ask for new features here.