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January 2018 Product Wrap-Up: Small adjustments and bug fixes across the board

The Everplans team regularly pushes out new product features, improvements and bug fixes.

At the end of each month, we highlight improvements we’ve made and bugs we’ve fixed. Take a look at the changes we made in January 2018.

Updates and Enhancements

  • Users will now see pending Deputies along with confirmed Deputies when viewing a section of their Everplan. Previously, only the confirmed Deputies were displayed.
  • There is now a confirmation message when a user successfully submits a payment.

Bugs Fixed

  • The Account Settings page was not displayed for some Deputies.
  • There was a styling issue on the Sign Up page.
  • The My Deputies page had layout issues on Internet Explorer browsers.
  • Dates were incorrectly ordered on the page where users see the viewing history of their Deputies.
  • For a brief period, Deputies who reported both Household members as deceased saw only one member as deceased.
  • Some text on the payment page was incorrect for those purchasing a subscription after a trial membership had ended.

Everplans Professionals

  • If an Everplanner has been reported as deceased, their individual account cannot be converted into a Household plan by adding another member.
  • For a brief period, firm members could not edit a draft user's Everplan.
  • When a firm chooses not to renew their license with Everplans, there was an issue converting client accounts to consumer users. This has been fixed.

Thank You

As always, a big thank you to all the Everplanners, Deputies, and Advisors out there who reported bugs and asked for enhancements. We always appreciate hearing from you.

Report issues and ask for new features here.

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