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Article About Everplans Appears In The New York Times

Everplans has qualified as "news that's fit to print."

The paper of record ran the most flattering story about us on their site, which also appeared in the Saturday March 29th edition of the paper.

The New York Times article titled "Navigating the Logistics of Death Ahead of Time" tells the story of our Co-Founders Abby and Adam and their personal mission to make sure everyone can get an Everplan in place. It nails the essence of what we're starting to accomplish and we're so happy they're helping spread the word. Plus they created a really cool cartoon to go along with the story.

While we encourage everyone to read the story, here's an excerpt that made us especially proud:

Everplans The site, which is easy to use, is surely one of the most comprehensive. [Everplans ed. note: In comparison to other sites that cover the same space.] When you set up an account, you start by taking a short assessment to see how much planning you’ve already done, and why you’re there. Recently have a child? Caring for an aging parent? Based on that information, the service creates a to-do checklist, and tells you how to prioritize. It might suggest filling out vital personal information first, then creating a will and naming a health care power of attorney. (The site links to the relevant medical forms in each state.)

While we'd love to run the whole article we'll control ourselves and quit tootin' our own horn. Plus, we've got to get back to work and make sure our platform, content and resources are in tip-top shape to take the mystery, confusion and frustration out of planning so you can actually get it done.

Via The New York Times

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