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April 2019 Product Wrap-Up: New Onboarding and Sharing Enhancements

The Everplans team regularly pushes out new product features, improvements and bug fixes.

At the end of each month, we highlight improvements we’ve made and bugs we’ve fixed. Take a look at the changes we made in April 2018.

Enhancements and Upgrades

  • New onboarding! Users who sign up are presented with a series of brief questions that helps Everplans understand their situation, and allows Everplans to make personalized recommendations on how to get started.
  • New users will see “popular” sections on top of the Dashboard.
  • We added a Everplan Summary to the top of the Dashboard for those further along in their planning (number of items added, any Deputies they’ve shared their Everplan with, and names of whom they are a Deputy for).
  • We now periodically prompt users to add a Deputy if they haven’t added one yet.
  • We prompt users to share sections they have added but not shared with a Deputy as they fill out their Everplan.
  • Users can manage sharing permissions per item directly from Category pages instead of going to the My Deputies page.
  • We now support uploading MP3 files.

Thank You

As always, a big thank you to all the Everplanners, Deputies, and Advisors out there who reported bugs and asked for enhancements. We always appreciate hearing from you.

Report issues and ask for new features here.

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