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Would You Want Your Ashes Fed To Your Dog? This Woman Does.

"You want me to eat what?!?!?"

In a Daily News story about New York’s legendary Hartsdale Pet Cemetery, which can now openly accept human remains to be buried with their pet one odd fact stood out: A woman suggesting she wants her dog to eat her ashes when she’s gone.

“I want some of my ashes to be fed to my dog, like mixed up with his food or something.”


Perhaps Kerry Vera was just speaking off the cuff. She seems brimming with personality, loaded with tattoos, pink hair highlights, and a beaming smile. We’re not sure how her 1-year-old Chihuahua pooch named Krishna feels about the questionable meal.

This does highlight the unbreakable bond people have with their pets. Whether it’s wanting to spend eternity with them, or become a light afternoon snack for them, regulators are starting to take note and make accommodations. According to a position paper from The Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries, as of 2011 Florida was the only state that had an actual law allowing human cremains to be buried in pet cemeteries, but that trend appears to be growing as NY officially joins the fold.

As an aside, Krishna happens to be the world’s smallest Ru Paul impersonator, performing in local clubs under the name “Ru Small.” You know, we’re gonna stop writing before this story gets any weirder.

[Sources:Photographer Shawn Inglima, New York Daily News]

Would you want to spend eternity snuggled up with your doggie or kitty-cat? Let us know here.

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