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This Graphic Shows Why You Need To Plan For Your Senior Years Right Now

Bradley University offers up lots of numbers and statistics that lead to one conclusion: You need to start planning for tomorrow today.

By the year 2060, there will be more than 98 million people in the United States who are over the age of 65, which is more than double of what exists today. Unless medical science figures out a way to reverse the aging process (which doesn’t seem likely), you need to have a plan in place to face the inevitable.

Bradley University’s Online Nurse Practitioner Program created this nifty graphic to show exactly why this issue can’t be ignored any longer. From chronic disease statistics, to the key issues involved in end-of-life care, to the benefits of planning ahead, they cover it all in a way that’s a lot more interesting to look at than boring old words.

So take a gander, absorb the information presented, and then start the process by getting an Advance Directive in place right now. For real! Find your state’s form here, fill it out, and kick back knowing you just helped your family out a ton. If you already have an Advance Directive, good work! Just make sure your family knows where it is in the event of an emergency. (You can click the graphic to see it bigger.)

bradley university aging population infographic

[via Bradley University]

  • Advance Directive
  • Aging Care
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