Task: What Types Of Insurance Do You Have?
Let’s keep this easy with the three most common types that have been part of your life for a long time.

It’s easy to neglect the details of your most basic types of insurance, but when you have an accident, need to file a claim, or have to dispute an exorbitant charge that almost triggers a panic attack, it becomes the most important thing in your world.
Health Insurance
We won’t even attempt to get into the weeds of health insurance. The only aspects to organize and share regarding your primary coverage:
- Who’s the provider? Name of the company if it’s private, government agency if it’s public
- How is it paid for? Is it through work, government assistance, or on your own?
- What’s the deductible? It's nice to be aware of this to avoid sticker shock.
- How do you access the online portal? Almost all health insurance has an online component so be sure and share the login details with the rest of your passwords.
After you take care of your main source of coverage, do you have any other plans such as dental, vision, or supplemental. Share the same info for those too.
Finally, if you’re on any medication, how does your prescription plan work? Is it bundled with your insurance or is it a different plan?
Auto Insurance / Property Insurance
- If you own a car and you don’t have insurance you’re breaking the law, and being quite irresponsible. (Not to sound judge-y, but you are.) If you own a home then it could be required as part of your mortgage or something you’ll need if you incur damage or theft.
- What insurance provider do you use? Is it one of the major companies or some other arrangement?
- How do you pay the premiums? Is it on auto-pay or drawn from an account?
- How do you file a claim? Do you use one of the handy apps or do you have to make a call?
- Access the online portal. Don’t forget to share the login details.
- Do you have any additional auto or property coverage? One example is "Uninsured Motorist Coverage," which pays out if you get hit by a driver who doesn’t have insurance. For property, you may have additional coverage like Umbrella or Liability.
Other Types Of Insurance You Already Have
While we only covered three types of insurance in this task, you may have others like Life, Disability, Long-Term Care, or a host of others. We dive deeper into each of these types in separate tasks, but if you’re ahead of the game and want to organize these types right now you can use this template:
- The name of the insurance provider, which can be included in your contacts
- Where you keep the policy, which includes online portals that should be included in your passwords
- The account or policy number (if applicable)
- Tips on filing a claim (example: “Use their app, it’s a snap” or “Take a photo of the invoice and email it to their claims department.”)
Your Task
Health, Auto, and Property Insurance might seem obvious to you, but the details can be confusing if anyone else in your household needs to use it. Write down the basic information we outlined above and keep it with other important papers so they know what to do when it’s needed. You can also include the details in an Everplan in the appropriate sections, which makes it really easy to find in an emergency.
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