How To Organize And Share Important Health Insurance Information
Health insurance can get very complicated very quickly, especially when you or a dependent experience a medical emergency.

Our goal is to help you keep all that vital info in one place so it’s accessible when you need it. To keep it simple, we’ve broken it out into two parts: Primary and Supplemental.
Primary Health Insurance

What type of insurance do you have?
- Private - Employer
- Private - Individual
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Military
- Federal Employee
- None
- Other
If You Have Private Insurance, include these details
- Carrier
- Member Name
- Member ID Number
- Group ID Number (if applicable)
- Prescription ID Number
- Dependents
- Location of Insurance Card and Key Policy Documents
- Online Portal Info (URL/email/username)
If You Have Public or Government Issued Insurance, include these details
- Name of Beneficiary or Member
- Member ID Number
- Claim Number (for Medicare)
- Issuing State (for Medicaid)
- Plan ID Number (for Military and Federal Employees)
- Location of Insurance Card and Key Policy Documents
- Online Portal Info (URL/email/username)
Supplemental Health Insurance

Make sure you list out each type of supplemental insurance you have (example: Vision, Dental, etc.), and then it pretty much follows the same format as Primary coverage above. (If you skipped that section please move your eyeballs a few inches up the page and enjoy.)
Here are standard types of supplemental insurance to get you started:
- Medigap
- Vision
- Dental
- Prescriptions
- Medicare Supplement
After determining the type you have, include this info along with it:
- Carrier Name
- Member Name
- Personal ID Number
- Group ID Number (if applicable)
- Dependents
- Name of Employer or Entity Providing Coverage
- Location of Insurance Card or Key Policy Documents
Keep Your Plan Up-To-Date: Make sure all of the stuff listed above is neatly organized, updated, and shared in the “Health Insurance” section of your Everplan.
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