How To Locate Lost Insurance Policies
If you think or know someone who recently died had Life Insurance, but you can’t find the actual policy, here's where to look.

If you've already searched the most common places a person might keep important documents — home office, locked safe or filing cabinet, safe deposit box — try these places.
The Deceased’s Employer
Many people purchase Life Insurance through the companies they work for as part of a benefits package. Contact the deceased’s current or previous employers to see if they purchased or were granted insurance through the company.
Accountants And Financial Advisors
Current or past accountants or financial advisors that the deceased worked with may know about any Life Insurance policies. Check address books or document letterhead for the names and addresses of these types of professionals.
Close Friends
Many people talk casually or seriously with their friends about their financial and legal arrangements. If you can’t find the insurance policy through any of the above methods, you might consider talking to someone who was a close friend of the person who died to see if he or she knows anything about the deceased’s life insurance.
Online Companies
There are many online companies and services that will help you locate lost insurance policies, in addition to any other lost assets you may be entitled to. These companies usually take a percentage of the amount of assets they find on your behalf, which is why you should always try and find the lost policy yourself before bringing in a hired gun.
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