How To Delete A Rotten Tomatoes Account When Someone Dies
All the information you’ll need to delete a Rotten Tomatoes account.

Service: Rotten Tomatoes aggregates movie and TV reviews from critics and displays the positive or negative percentage in the “Tomatometer"; the site also allows users to review movies and shows.
How To Delete An Account: In order to delete an account, you must send an email to specifying that you would like to delete your account.
Required Information
Include the following information in the email:
- Username
- Password
Security Note: It’s rarely safe to email a password to anyone, especially if that password is being used for other digital accounts, so we suggest you change the password to something else before emailing Ryan Fujitani.
Note: If you logged into Rotten Tomatoes using Facebook you need to disconnect the account and follow the steps to delete that account if you choose to do so.
Official Rotten Tomatoes account deletion page
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