Everything You Need To Know About Life Insurance In One Minute
USA Today offers up a long story, at least by USA Today standards, called "Knowing when you need life insurance." No big revelations, but the accompanying video is what caught our eye.

Summary: If you're unattached without kids, you don't need it. If you've got anyone depending on you, you need it. USA Today money writer Hadley Malcolm succinctly explains who needs life insurance and the basics on how to get it...
Our favorite, non-educational part of the video is when Malcolm explains why some people can't get life insurance due to health issues or because they don't want to take a medical exam. Here's the photo they use to drive the point home...

In short: Unhealthly or unwilling to comply with medical tests = Sad woman clutching a cat. From the look of things, the cat is clearly not amused by this generalization.
[via USA Today]
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